Friday, February 23, 2018

Fly by Friday

So apparently the key to getting all of my "standing hours" is to spend time with the binding machine.  I told the guys at work this was a medieval torture device that was part of the pit of misery [dilly-dilly- if you know the Bud light commercials!].  I had my 12 hours before 2:00 and typically it's at least 5:00 before this is accomplished!  I'm soooo loving my Apple Watch-it really keeps me on track and organized.

It's been a bit fast and furious at work with a final audit of 2017 enforcement activity, preparing for a training session I'm conducting on Monday afternoon, and our first every Board meeting on the road on Monday.  There has been lots to do and I was thrilled that by the end of the day everything was packed and ready to go for Monday's 9:30 am departure time to Columbia, SC.  I think the crazy will continue until mid-June when we submit all of our annual reports and budget.  Just in time for summer-y cocktails on the deck!

This week I also had our monthly Atlanta Knitting Guild Board meeting, and I'm in charge of coordinating the World Wide Knit in Public Day for our area on June 9th.   Steve and I are going to check out a park that is probably going to be the site for this event, as well as, the general area as an option for when we look at houses more seriously towards the end of the year.

Thankfully I met up with Mary's Monday knitting group for a while on as there would have been no knitting at all this week.  I'm hoping to do some this weekend, and definitely while I'm on my road trip.  Luckily I don't have to drive, so I'm hoping to make serious headway on Beckett, and if this weekend pans out, I hope to swatch and cast on at least another sweater before we head out-we'll see. 

Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be great, so it'll be top down when we venture out to the park, and Sunday is supposed to be really yucky.  It should be a good time to get some knitting, swatching and packing done.  I hope the week has flown by and there is some downtime coming your way.

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