Monday, January 28, 2019

Sometimes Monday

finds me reflecting on time well spent.  Last weekend was a long weekend for me and it got started with a 3pm dismissal from work.  What a great way to end a Friday and start the weekend.  Steve and I had plans with Karen, Ron and Polly that evening, so we met for dinner at a new for me restaurant Local on North and then we went to a theatre production that was a play on the screenplay writing of Gone with the Wind.  The food, company and the play were fantastic.  Saturday included a visit with my Mom, and while the weather was crummy we enjoyed a delicious quiche [thank you Costco] and 2 very cheesy movies on the Hallmark channel - I had time for get some knitting done while she worked on her embroidery.  Simple, easy and no make up required!  Sunday Kim and I were able to get together for lunch an more catching up.  We met up at a restaurant that has been transformed over the years; it was a Burger Chef back in our day.  If you click on the links you can tell that the building hasn't changed at all.  I also got a chance to see her very cute home which I have clocked at 1/2 mile door to door!  Monday my friend Brenda came over, I have't seen her since August and this was also the first time she has had a chance to see our new place.  It was great catching up with her and I know with her daughter getting ready to graduate from college in just a couple months she is going to be very busy.  Sophie and I managed an exploratory walk on Monday, and then come Tuesday work proved to be pretty hectic, and since I had to take a day and a half off for doctor appointments I ended up working over the weekend so as not to get too far behind-this is not the time of year for that!
 This weekend I managed to begin cutting the fabrics for my very hungry caterpriller quilt.  I'm doing much better with my cutting, but did manage to mess up on a couple strips, but I think I can get those sorted without too much trouble.
Sophie and I walked on Saturday and Kim joined us on Sunday and we had a great time reminiscing about where our early years were spent.  We should have taken a selfie in front of our old elementary school-next time!  We stopped at Roswell Provisions for a quick breakfast and since this isn't a real restaurant Sophie could come inside!  We will definitely make this place a regular stop on our weekend walks.  It feels very satisfying to balance out time spent with family, friends, outside and getting things done.  With the pending inclement weather I find myself with an unexpected day off-mmmm I wonder what I can get accomplished!


Mary said...

Great week, Lydia ... looks like you might be able to get outside today and enjoy the "non-event" :-)

AsKatKnits said...

What a lovely weekend! And, I like the start of that quilt!