Thursday, July 20, 2017

Staying Cool

Carole and Kat's prompt is about staying cool during the summer.  Right now thinking about Alaska in mid-August when  Atlanta is guaranteed to be hot as all get out is keeping me cool.  Also, since I really like cold cold water I try to consume as much of that as I can.  Mary's yummy looking cocktail has me looking at other solutions.  Along with that I try to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, and since I'm a morning person this is pretty easy.  I've lived in Atlanta all my life and I remember days when it was well over 100 degrees, but don't remember the heat bothering me as much as it does now.  Our house did not have central air, but we did have an attic fan which seem to work pretty well.  We only had one level, so maybe thats why it seemed to do the job.  Like Carole says-this is only temporary!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Ah... Alaska. I think the timing of our trip is pretty perfect!