Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Musicians I'd resurrect.

As we get closer to the Christmas season Carole's prompt seems appropriate. I don't know anyone who doesn't like some type of music.  I love-love instrumentals, and I'm a devotee to all things 80s [a product of my youth!].  So here's my list in no particular order, and I had to include some composers as well.  My list was tough cause most of my favorites are still alive.  As I perusing the internet for help jogging my memory the deaths of so many musicians due to their life style or violence was staggering and sad.

10. Beethoven
  9.  Elvis-I'd like to have a talk to him about his diet ;-)
  8.  David-from the Old Testament
  7.  Patsy Kline
  6.  Billy Holiday-I'd love to hear her in person
  5.  Chopin
  4.  Mozart
  3. Frank Sinatra
  2. Whitney Houston
  1. Michael Jackson

1&2 really influenced the music I listened to as a teenager not to mention music videos-sigh I really miss my MTV!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Not sure I'm ready to hear. . .

 "I think I met a girl"- followed by-who likes French.  Just a bit of my conversation with PJ today, whew not sure I'm ready for that!  I did ask if she wore shoes [PJ either wears no shoes or flip flops, so it was important to ask see?] and get this she wears-----cowboy boots!!  Oh goodness-so weird :-)

On another note, there must be something about cold weather that makes you walk faster-the past 2 walks I've had my fastest time in a while.

Happy Friday.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

power of the puffy jacket.

The weather has certainly changed in Atlanta the last couple days.  I kept going back and forth about whether I'd have enough layers to take my lunchtime walk I do NOT like to be cold.  I have book club tonight, so I really needed to get out a move a bit.  Finally, the light bulb went off-there's no reason why I couldn't wear my jacket that I wore into work today right?-duh.  So armed with tights, leggings, t-shirt, light jacket and my puffy jacket I had a wonderful walk despite the gray skies and the breeze!  Tomorrow, I will be more prepared.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bits and pieces

I've collected several things over the years, and sometimes when my Mom knew I "liked" something it meant that I had to have EVERYTHING that had whatever on it.  As I get older I realize that the more I collect, the more I'll most likely have to dust, so I choose my collections carefully.

10. Sunflowers- I love sunflowers so there was a point when I HAD everything with sunflowers, even a pair of tights [now that was going to far]
  9.  Books-do you ever really stop collecting them-art history, museum guides from exhibits we've seen, etc.
  8.  Gone with the Wind "memorabilia" I have received everything from t-shirts to music boxes.  It's one of my favorite movies in terms of the cinematography rather than what the movie was supposed to represent-hey I was born in downtown Atlanta.
  6.  Yarn aka a stash-you have to be prepared for those long waits at the doctor's office, DMV, etc or when you get snowed in!
 5.  Fabric-see #6
 4.  Cookbooks-I've gotten rid of several over the years, and I kinda wished I hadn't, but when you run out of space, sometimes you have to cull the herd.
 3.  Magazines-I have some favorites, but like #4 sometimes you have to make choices on what you really want to keep.
 2. Knitting patterns and books-yep same problem.
 1. Pens- I love a nice writing pen

I'm sure there are other things I have that might be considered collections, but these are the ones that come to mind right now.

So what's collecting on your shelf?

Monday, November 10, 2014

tis the season.

We started a tradition in my office a few years ago of providing breakfast for our veterans thanking them for their service. Of course, we have to do it the day before since the day of is a holiday for our office. I picked up bagels from Einsteins [which has opened right around the corner-yeah!], and when I was setting up, I noticed they were already using Christmas-y packaging.  At first I was like-geez really, it's not even Thanksgiving-I'm not ready for winter-y colors-I'm still enjoying the golds, reds and browns.  Anyway, the message on the boxes got me thinking and is a reminder to keep a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances- share the warmth and be joyful and bright.  Thank you Einsteins for inspiring me on a Monday morning.
Also, I had planned to do a weekend lens blog post, but couldn't get a good photo of my new haircut, or the knitted tunic that I finally got to wear.  I did take a photo of the gorgeous sky that I got to enjoy while running errands.  I should have taken a photo of the wonderful white chicken chili we had on Saturday and the gumbo we had on Sunday, but the bowl was empty before the thought crossed my mind.  I think the medication I've been on for shingles has made me more tired and sluggish-not sure.
How about I share a photo of, Sophie who has developed her own language for letting me know what she wants-lately she barks to go outside, not to do her business, but to play-she is so like a human child!  She much prefers the cooler temps since she has her own fur coat, and has begun spending a lot more time outside in the recent days-hunting and chasing chipmunks-hence the dirty nose.  Yesterday just before dark she insisted on chasing the ball, so I got the golf club and hit the same 2 balls back and forth for about 20 minutes, and she had the best time-she slept REALLY good last night!
I mean that face-it just gets me.

Friday, November 7, 2014

5 on Friday

1. Saw this cool retro bike on my walk this afternoon, of course, had to stop and get a photo or 2.  The light from the sidewalk wasn't quite right, so I had to take it from the street.

2.  I am much further into my Sommer Sleevless Tank than I though, so my knitting bag will be empty very soon.  Time to think about the small knits.

3.  Am so looking forward to my first full weekend as a true emptynester. This whole week since my mother has moved has felt very weird.  I'm doing my best to embrace this change, and not get shackled by guilt. Not easy!

4.  Just bought this book, but don't think I was in time to get the goodie bag :-(-the patterns look lovely don't they?).

5.  I am also looking forward to getting a new do and highlights tomorrow-haven't done anything other than a cut in a very long time.  Photos will definitely be posted.

Happy Friday-the weather here is getting crisp making it perfect for a fire, pizza, and a glass of red wine.  Yes, it's back to being pizza on Fridays!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday

Knitting has been moving along at a good pace.  I had a lot of nervous energy the past week or so because of my mother's move, but I didn't want to tackle anything that required a lot of focus.  There has been significant progress on my aperture cardigan.  I am almost finished with the body, and hope to start the sleeves this weekend. The knitting on my parabola and the seaming of the staccato layer are complete, but I need to seam the silk cloud layer and block.  I don't want to rush through this part, so I've put it off and hope to tackle it on Saturday.  Still in the WIP stages are the Falcons socks-need to try to work on them during the next televised game on Sunday [if I can bear to watch!], The Sommer Sleeveless Tank has seen NO love in quite a while.  It'll probably languish until the spring when it'll be the right weather to wear it.  While I have finished the blocks for Week 1 of the Kaffe Fassett Pure Wool Worsted Knit Along, I have done nothing with Weeks 2-4.  I will be ordering the yarn I need for these blocks today.  Maybe there will be some progress on these this weekend if I get parabola completed.  These blocks are perfect for TV knitting.  I did finish my purple socks, they need blocking-just plain vanilla.  My goal for the next few months is to knit from my stash, and only work on small projects [hats, gloves, socks, etc.].  I want to really enjoy the holidays and not get overwhelmed with anything that requires a lot of thinking or deadlines.  Knitting has definitely been my therapy the last few weeks.  I also have some quilting projects I'd like to tackle before 2014 ends so we'll see how that goes!  What's on your needles?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

10 on Tuesday-Book Series

I've always been an avid reader-as a kid it was not unusual for me to walk home from the library while reading a book at the same time.  Thankfully, I never veered off into traffic!  Here's my list in no particular order, because if you had to ask me my favorite book/series of all time, I'd be hard pressed to give you just one. 

10.  Outlander series-I began reading this series since it first came out and I'm on the most recent release-mere pages from the end-I have a feeling this is not the last book!
 9.  44 Scotland Street and The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith-so love him and my niece and I went to an author signing several years ago-he is a hoot!  I just saw on his website where he'll be in Atlanta THIS Friday-don't think I can work out the logistics to make it to this event on short notice :-(
 8.  Agatha Christie Mysteries-whether it's Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple-I could read these books over and over again.
 7.  The Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear
 6.  PD James and her detective Adam Dalgleish-what is it about the Brits and their mysteries?!
 5.  Elizabeth George and her Inspector Lynley series-there is only one of these books that I did not like, but over all-love-love these books.
  4.  Carol O'Connell's Mallory series-my boss got me hooked on these books-we anxiously await the release of her books to see what Mallory has gotten into-set in NYC I can't get enough of the characters in these books.
 3. Edward Rutherford-even though he doesn't write series-his books follow the same pattern.  Love his books Sarum, New York, and London.  Historical fiction is another genre I can really get into.
 2. Miss Julia by Ann B. Ross-these are just fun-quick reads.  Miss Julia is always getting into trouble!
 1. The Lincoln Ryme series by Jeffery Deaver-great if you are into suspense thrillers and NYC-which I am.
I don't know what I want to do more in my spare time read or knit-I need to get some audible books so I can do both!

Monday, November 3, 2014

October has come and gone.

Lots of different views this month.

~Celebrating Sophie's birthday, of course, she makes several appearances throughout the month.
~Knitting/knitwear was featured 6 times (the Falcons project bag contains a WIP)
~Football was prominent-Georgia Tech and Atlanta Falcons-at least logos were there.
~Highlights from my trip to visit my inlaws
~2 film stars made an appearance on the 7th, Chevy Chase and Ed Helms-in the area filming the      next Vacation movie.  I also saw Beverly DeAngelo.
~several pictures of looking up down and forward-none looking back!
 Looks like I also got to spend quite a bit of time outside.  We had some lovely weather this month.  I believe winter is right around the corner based upon this past weekends weather.

Hope October had some lovely highlights for you!