Friday, July 6, 2018


While I keep up with the quarterfinals of the World Cup- here's an update on Summer Book Bingo.  I feel like I'm making pretty good progress as it's really hard for me to find time to read-read books.

What I've finished:

The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared- I listened to this one and LOVED it!

Eleanor and Hick- read this for book club and was not overly impressed.  It seemed like a mish-mash of letters attempting to put a story together.  I am curious to learn more about Eleanor Roosevelt and the work she did as First Lady.

The Novel Habits of Happiness of Happiness-this is a Isabell Dalhousie-Alexander McCall Smith novel.  I enjoyed it and these books are always a quick read.

The Great Santini-Conroy's books can be quite a challenge, but am glad I've added another one of his books to my finished list.

Mrs. Dalloway-my first Virginia Woolf-not sure what I was supposed to get out of this, but will probably try to go back and read it sometime.  I listened to it for Book Bingo

I'm currently reading

The Trespassor- by Tana French.  I started with the ebook and didn't get finished with it, so now I'm onto the audio book.  This seems to be taking a different turn than the previous French books.  We'll see, I do think the Irish accent of the narrator helps to bring life to the characters.

The Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny- book #11.  So far these books have not disappointed.

The Eyre Affair-Not sure if I'm going to like this one- seems very Doctor Who-ish.  I'm listening to this one too.

Books I'm planning to read:

Me Before You, Before the Fall (Book Club), The Drunken Botanist, The Remains of the Day, Love and Ruin, Gorky Park, Til We Have Faces, The Knot, American Pharaoh.  That's about as far as I've gotten.

Hope your summer reading is both challenging and interesting.

1 comment:

Mary said...

that's a lot of books! (and I'm glad you're listening to so many) ... You might like The Eyre Affair better in print - a few of the jokes are hard to get when you listen (I have a copy - let me know).